Beast Fingers Ambassador, Maureen Beck Takes Gold at IFSC World Championship!
Maureen takes her Second Gold at the 2016 IFSC World Championships! Paris, France
Photo: USA Climbing
We are so excited to see Maureen take gold at the recent IFSC World Championship that took place September 15-17, 2016 in Paris, France. This is her second Gold that she is adding to her collection, and it is amazing to see her on the top!
As a competitive climber, she has won five national titles and a gold medal at the 2014 Paraclimbing World Championships in Spain. She was there along with her other teammates, representing the Team USA on the USA Climbing team. Paraclimbing is picking up great speed, and Maureen is at the forefront in widening its presence here in North America.
Maureen, native of Maine, began her competitive rock and ice climbing career at the University of Vermont, where she graduated in 2009 with a degree in forestry.
Outside of competing, she is also an avid traditional and sport climber in the Front Range, pushing the limits. Though born with one hand, she finds fun in challenges, getting her game face on, and pushing through.
Continue to follow her climbing career on her instagram, and help her and her friends finish funding their trip to France here: GoFundMe
Recent Articles about Maureen:
1. Crux Crush: Girl Crush of the Month: Maureen Beck
2. Headrush Technologies: Defending the Paraclimbing Championship: Maureen Beck on Training and Adaptive Climbing
3. IFSC: IFSC Paraclimbing World Championships - Paris (FRA) 2016