Strength To Weight for Climbing

The secret ratio: 1.3

Last week we had our Grippul Challenge among some of the strongest climbers in the Earth Treks Climbing Centers in Golden, CO. It taught us a lot about climbers, and we were able to find some amazing correlations with strength and weight for climbing. Even Ian Powell from Kilter Climbing Grips came to try it out!

What grade can they climb?
Most climbers who are bouldering double digits between V10-V15 were able to pull their body weight, or more on an 15 degree crimp. They were lifting the Grippūl from below, which was attached to kettle bells.

What does 1.3 mean for me?
So what does all this even mean? Based on what we saw from the event, a climber who weighs 130lbs, would multiply their body weight by 1.3 and will know the weight they would need to for their fingers to consistently pull on the crimps of a V14-15. 1.3 x 130lbs would result in about 170lbs. When you add the overall weight of both hands, thats 340lbs. More then enough power to haul yourself up the a v14! (Of course, overall body strength is needed).

Pre-order sale is still going on for $45.00 to get your own Grippūl! Share with friends! Click here Shipping Late May.

Aman Anderson